1. Payment is expected when services are rendered. In order to focus on our patients' needs, customer service and minimising costs, we do not bill.

2. Bellingen Veterinary Hospital accepts payment via cash, cheque, MasterCard, Visa or American Express.
3. When unexpected illness strikes a pet, unexpected expense strikes as well.  Bellingen Veterinary Hospital understands this and is able to make some special arrangements through the VetPay payment solutions. VetPay is about starting treatment now and paying for it over time. Their unique online processing system takes away the angst of form-filling and offers fast approvals.  You can either apply at our hospital, where we'll call in your application over the phone for immediate approval, or apply yourself online at:  http://vetpay.com.au/.
Highlights of the VetPay program:
  • Flexible payment options
  • High approvals
  • Apply online
  • Pensioners welcome

Insurance For Your Pets

Another popular option for your family and pet is insurance coverage. To learn more, please visit the following pet insurance websites . . .

!! ALERT !! Pet Plan offer FREE insurance for your puppy or kitten - please contact us to access this great deal. Call 02 6655 1098